What is Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that dates back to the stonemasons and cathedral builders of Medieval Europe. It has evolved into a society of like-minded individuals committed to the values of brotherhood, morality, and personal growth. Through a series of degrees and ceremonies, the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth are passed down from generation to generation.

At its core, Freemasonry is a system of morality that provides a framework for living a life of integrity and service to others. It’s a way of life that emphasizes the importance of true friendship, personal growth, and community service. Members of the fraternity find a sense of belonging and purpose that is difficult to find elsewhere through shared traditions and a commitment to fostering lifelong relationships.

Freemasonry brings together men from all walks of life. They come from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures, but they share a common bond that transcends these differences. The fraternity is built upon the belief that every man has the potential to become a better version of himself. Masons are encouraged to develop their character, hone their skills, and become leaders in their communities. Through personal introspection, study, and reflection, they are inspired to make a positive impact on the world around them.


Who are we?

Freemasonry is a time-honored fraternity of men who have made a solemn vow to uphold the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. But Freemasonry is more than just a set of values; it is a way of life. A Freemason is a man who is dedicated to improving himself and his community, always striving to be a better version of himself. He understands that by working together with other like-minded men, he can create positive change in the world around him.

The journey to becoming a Freemason is a personal one, and it begins with the Entered Apprentice degree. Through a series of degrees and ceremonies, a Freemason is initiated into the mysteries of the craft and taught the importance of moral and ethical principles. This process continues through the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees, with each degree building upon the knowledge and understanding gained in the previous one.

Being a Freemason means being part of a worldwide brotherhood of men who share a common bond of honor, integrity, and service. It means being part of a community that extends far beyond the walls of the lodge, with members working together to support their local communities and charitable causes. Being a Freemason is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, a commitment to a higher calling and a way of life that is both fulfilling and rewarding.


What We Believe.

The core ethical principles of Freemasonry are about compassion and tolerance for all mankind. Freemasons do not use their position in the fraternity to advance an agenda, whether it be political, professional, religious, or secular.


Devotion to and caring for each other and our community

Concern for and selfless giving to those in distress

Using knowledge, honesty, and understanding to build ourselves into better men